Product Dimensions
The closer has a length of 12.75", and a diameter of 1.25". It weighs 1.1 lbs.
BK9600W item barcode: 056947416527
BK9600BL item barcode: 056947416510
Shipping Carton Dimensions
The shipping carton has a depth of 1.46", a width of 2.44", and a height of 14.25". It weighs 1.21 lbs.
Master Carton Dimensions
The master carton has a depth of 10.7", a width of 8.3", and a height of 15.3". It weighs 23.85 lbs and features a quantity of 20 units.
BK9600W master carton barcode: 10056947416526
BK9600BL master carton barcode: 10056947416516