Using a ladder on stairs should be easy.
It has to be safe.
It shouldn’t be complicated or expensive.

We agree



Ladder Aide on staircase

The quickest, easiest, and safest way

to use your extension and combination ladders on stairs.

It's a compact and portable unit that doesn’t require permanent installation on your ladder. It sets up in seconds and is easy to move from stair to stair. And you can use it with a variety of ladders, so you always get the right ladder for the job.

With an anti-skid surface and micro-adjustable height (to within 1/8”), it creates a stable, level base for use on all stairways.

Designed for professionals and perfect for the every-day handyman, the Ladder-Aide is self-storing and weighs only 7.2 lbs. With rugged construction and a heavy duty design, it supports type III and type II ladders.

We work in a lot of residential homes and the stairs are not always at the same height in the stairways. The guys at Ideal Security have definitely come up with a genius idea and at an affordable price too!

Stanley Hernandez, SJ Contractor Services

Compact folding design is a big winner.

Trevor Wallace, The Painting Hub

The Ladder-Aide was super helpful for my painting projects. It allowed us to access areas of the walls and ceilings that would otherwise be unaccessible with our conventional ladders. We were able to save time and money because of how much quicker our staircase jobs became. A must have in the contracting world.

Jonathan Clarke, RenoExpert

Read more testimonials

Simple to set up

Easy to use

Ladder Aide sets up quickly

Use the right ladder for the job

Concerned about safety?

So are we

That's why we designed the Ladder-Aide to handle OSHA and ANSI/ASC load standards for Type 2 ladders, and tested it using their guidelines.

Watch us test the Ladder-Aide with a 950 lb concrete block

The perfect addition to every toolkit

Ladder Aide on staircase

We developed the Ladder-Aide because we saw a pain point that just wasn't being filled. We kept seeing questions pop up online about creating stable platforms for ladders on stairs, how to safely paint high ceilings above staircases, and the the best ladders for use on stairs. We knew there were other products on the market already, but for some reason, these products weren't satisfying peoples' needs. These questions were coming from professionals and amateurs alike, and the answers they got varied from terrible advice to just prop the ladder up on paint cans or concrete blocks (Note: Don't ever do that, it's incredibly unsafe) to extensive debates about the pros and cons of tools like the Pivit wedge, leg extenders, ladder levelers, and scaffolding.

It became clear to us that there was a need in the market for a better way to access high walls above steps, and we felt we could do it. We started by establishing some basic criteria:

  • The product had to be easy and quick to set up: Scaffolding works great, but takes too much time and energy, especially if you're just hanging a picture on changing a light bulb.
  • The product could not require permanent installaion: Ladder levelers and leg extenders work well, but you need to buy one for every ladder you might want to use, and make the ladder heavier and more annoying to carrier around. We wanted to develop a solution that we work with whichever ladder was right for the job at hand.
  • The product had to be easy to move, so you could do a whole staircase without having to take it apart and put it back together
  • Most importantly the product would have to be safe: Falls are one of the leading causes of injury and death, and ladder-related accidents account for nearly half of falls. If we were going to do this, it would have to be sturdy, stable, and idiot-proof. It would have to inspire the confidence of the user, who would have to feel just like if the ladder was sitting on solid ground.

Read more about how and why to use the Ladder-Aide on stairs.


More testimonials

"I initially thought this tool was going to be somewhat heavy, but boy was I wrong! It weighs close to nothing for me and is so compact that I can easily throw it into my five-gallon bucket with my other painting tools. The set-up is very easy and the adjustability is one of the best things on it! We work in a lot of residential homes and the stairs are not always at the same height in the stairways. That is exactly where this piece shines. I no longer have to pay an employee to stand around and hold a ladder for me while I am trying to cut a wall or use a different tool that most painters are familiar with, BUT has no adjustability. You know what I'm talking about. We have used this beauty on hardwood, carpet, concrete, and other surfaces. No complaints or injuries here! You simply adjust the height to where you need it, set the ladder on it, and up you go! The guys at Ideal Security have definitely come up with a genius idea and at an affordable price too! Bravo, guys and gals!"

Stanley Hernandez, SJ Contractor Services

"This product is INCREDIBLE. We love the compact size when stored in the truck. We used to use the Pivot however it takes up too much room in the truck to always carry it and when needed it was usually in the shop.
Ladder-Aide feels very stable and we put it through the paces on the round staircase."

Marc, Finishes By Hahn

This is the first time in 5 years of living in this home that we decided to tackle the hallway painting. It was always something that annoyed me when entering our home and finally we bit the bullet to get the job done. A friend of ours had recommended using his Ladder-Aide when working on steps and we knew nothing about it. He came over and showed us how to insert the pins into the adjustable slots to find a level spot before putting a ladder on. Once the ladder was placed on I was surprised at how sturdy it was and how you can position yourself opposite to the steps. Having the Ladder Aide made our not so easy paint job a breeze and no need to rent a big extension ladder for 1 job!

Home owner

As a multiple homeowner and frequent renovator I was surprised that the Ladder Aide was not already an item in the market place for safety on steps! The moment I laid my eyes on this product I knew it was going to create a much safer work place for myself when doing wall repairs and painting on stairs. I have painted many stairwells sometimes upwards of 15 + feet high and leaning over my ladder, using extension poles or trying to do a quality job at that height has always been difficult. After using the Ladder-Aide just once I knew that this product was something consumers/ contractors needed to know about!
I am very pleased with the quality of Ladder Aide; being made of all aluminum, the amount of space it takes up once properly taken apart and the adjustable leg it has to level out any set of stairs – way better than the classic scrap wood platform I would build and adjust before resting a ladder on. Hats off to the inventor of Ladder-Aide, I simply wish it was my idea!

Jake Redpath

I am a professional painter and paint many stairwells. In the past, I have had to build platforms for ladder work on stairs out of 2x4s and plywood, as ladder leg extensions do not extend far enough. I have used Ladder-Aide twice this month, and couldn't be happier. I am impressed by the overall design, which was very well thought out, in particular the space saving storage mechanism. Well done!

David Grant, David Grant Painting & Restoration

Love it. This is the single greatest paint helper that I have ever used. Every homeowner that has to paint a stairwell should own one of these!!

R Pullyblank

Amazing product. I'm glad I purchased one of these and had it handy. Couldn't finish my job without the Ladder-Aide!

Squaretron Carpentry

My Ladder-Aide has been quite helpful to me when painting in stairwells.

P Anderson

good product very useful.

D Noll

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